We are Home

Dear Friends,

Grace to you and Peace from God our Father and The Lord Jesus Christ!

Krysti and I arrived safely to Concordia Seminary on June 3rd; and, we have been busy unpacking ever since. Already, this has reaffirmed in me a very simple, yet important lesson: all Krysti and I truly need is God’s love and mercy. All kidding aside, moving so far from home has created an even stronger bond with my best friend than I could have ever expected. She has made our apartment feel like home away home, decorating it with colorful Haitian paintings, flamingo posters and African carvings.

Making it feel even more like home has been the amazing community that has accepted us as their own. Our next-door neighbors Crystal and Ben, and another student named Alex came out and help Krysti, her folks, and myself unload our Penske trailer.

Trevor and his wife Hannah (also incredibly nice) live below us and have invited us to go to church with them this weekend, as their friend is preaching for the very first time in a local congregation. Knowing us for only a few minutes, they still invited us to a small celebratory waffle brunch in their apartment following the service – the generosity of the people who live here astounds me.

Today even, Krysti and I quickly learned that we were not going to be able make the laundromat an economical choice and within minutes a husband and wife that we had never met messaged me on Facebook and offered us their old washing machine for free. Josh and Laura even helped us move the heavy contraption up and down some of the steepest sets of stairs that I have had the pleasure of walking.

With these amazing people (and the many more we have met) acting as His hands and feet, God has surely shown Krysti and me that He has brought us here, He already knows our needs, and He is ready to provide.

God’s Peace,


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